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database communication中文是什么意思

用"database communication"造句"database communication"怎么读"database communication" in a sentence


  • 数据库数据通信


  • J jdbc database communication via vendor jdbc drivers
    J =通过供应商jdbc驱动程序进行的jdbc数据库通信
  • Define web service and database communication between applications
  • Information technology - user interfaces for mobile tools for management of database communications in a client - server model
  • It is a set of tools to help database applications developers to handle database communication , reporting and printing
  • When enabled , the database engine receives database communication from client computers formatted by the sql native client
    启用后,数据库引擎将接收来自sql native client格式化的客户机的数据库通信。
  • The real - time database updates are continually provided to the workstation through the replicated database communication services facilities
  • Early databases on the personal computer struggled with performance until administrators learned to use stored procedures to consolidate many database communications into one
  • Compiling unified odbc against an odbc driver manager enables it to access any database that offers an odbc driver , at the slight cost of imposing an additional layer of overhead in database communication
    针对odbc驱动程序管理器进行编译,使unified odbc能够访问任何提供odbc驱动程序的数据库,由于在上面增加了数据库通信层而略微增加了性能成本。
  • The thorough study of the kingview ' s configuration idea is also made in this paper . on the base of above discuss , the design and implementation of the system is described in detail , which include the implementation of hardwares interaction ^ databases communication and main program
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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